Saturday, September 15, 2007

So then.... Let's go to FAIRYLAND!!!!, shall we?

It has recently come to my attention, through the comments left by a few individuals, that I'm posting like a politician, i.e. making empty promises and further putting off my delightful and expectant Readers, who wish only to read an account of Fairyland. As the author of the tale, who am I to deny the desires of my Readership? Yeah, that's what I thought too.... So, in order to make amends, I shall begin the posting tonight. How does that work for y'all? Nice....

I've gotten some of it written, but certainly not all, and the scanner issues still prevent me from having the majority of the Fairyland pictures uploaded to a computer where I can access them. However, trouble yourselves not! I shall remedy the problem in short order.... and then we'll have a most brilliant time creating a story with accompanying pictures. Huzzah!

So, the first post will be taken from a journal entry I wrote the night before we left. It's the only such Fairyland entry I've got, and the rest will be written in 1st person past tense, cos I think that's most fitting (and it's my favourite format to use....). Indeed.

So then.... If you're all ready, so am I. Let the adventures of the ManBearPig Expedition begin!

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